Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hard start

Starting rating: 2533
Best rating: 2533
Current rating: 2458
Games played: 10
Overall result: 3.5-6.5
Time used for games: 55 minutes
Puzzles solved: 347
Time used for puzzles: 1 hour 1 minutes
Time used for all studies: 1 hour 1 minutes

I solved other 20 combinations (15-34) from Reinfeld 1001 combinations in 32 minutes. I started to solve combinations yesterday after a very long break and I find it very hard. I try to do it step by step. I try to find the solution and if I did not find in 5 minutes, then I look the solution.

Then I decided to play 30 minutes. I played 28 minutes. Once I waited 2 minutes to get an opponent and I solved a combination.

I continued to lose in the first 2 games. First I faced the Nimzovich defense and we went to scandinavian defense. I got the better position, but then I allowed to open up the h-file, where he mated me.

In the next game I lost again against  the Trompovsky. This time I got an extra pawn and then a winning position, but then I lost on time

After 4 loses I played a mini match of 4 games and won 2.5-1.5 against the 1988 World under-18 champion and 1993 British champion Michael Hennigan International Master.

I gave a pretty checkmate with 2 bishops. I wish you like it too :)

14 combinations and 0-2

I solved 14 combinations (1-14) in 14 minutes from the 1001 combinations book from Fred Reinfeld, then I played 2 games in 10 minutes and lost both of them. The first was a queen pawn opening where he played early a4 and I made a mistake in the development, I really need to check that opening. In the 2nd game, I sacrificed a knight and then an exchange, but I forgot a defend against the checkmate. I needed to come back with the knight to e4 and push up the g- and h-pawns instead.

Current rating is 2496 after 4 games, overall result is 1-3.